50/50 reading program open to University community
Wondering what to do for Lent? Why not join the University community in reading Kerry Weber’s “Mercy in the City.”
In “Mercy in the City,” Weber sets out to see if she can practice the corporal works of mercy in an authentic, personal, meaningful manner while maintaining a full, robust, regular life in New York City. A lay Catholic, Weber explores the works of mercy in the real world, with a gut-level honesty and transparency that people of urban, country and suburban locales alike can relate to.
The Center for Student Development will distribute free copies of “Mercy in the City” to the first 50 people who sign up to read the book. Reading circles will meet to discuss the book between March 3 and April 11.
There is a raffle prize of $50 associated with the reading program. Those reading the book must attend one meeting of their reading circle in order to qualify for entry into the raffle.
For the schedule of reading groups, and to reserve a copy of the book, email Joyce Fennell, office coordinator in the Center for Student Development, at joyce.fennell@salve.edu.