Ben Cortes graduates ROTC program as a second lieutenant

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program recently announced its Cramer Sabers Battalion Awards and officially commissioned its senior cadets into the U.S. Army as second lieutenants. The battalion includes cadets from Salve Regina, Roger Williams University and the University of Rhode Island.
Benjamin Cortes ’22, who was named cadet battalion commander in 2021, received the 2LT William G. Schanck Jr. USMC Memorial Award and the George C. Marshall Award. An administration of justice major from Smithfield, Rhode Island, Cortes was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army on May 19.
Two weeks later, he headed to Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, to attend his Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC). His goal is to attend both Ranger and Airborne schools to develop his skills and education as an officer.
“I eventually want to make a career in the military, whether it be active duty or national guard,” Cortes said. “I also would like to work towards getting a job in the intelligence community or federal law enforcement.”
Cortes’s experience at Salve Regina has influenced his career and life goals, and the relationships he made with his professors have proven to be deep connections. He said that the faculty have remained engaging and helpful during his four years, and that being able to create meaningful bonds with his professors will inspire him beyond graduation.
Although he came to Salve Regina as an undecided student, Cortes explored a variety of programs before he decided on administration of justice. He encouraged underclassmen and prospective students to recognize that they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to their college experience. The courses, clubs, sports, internships and other extracurricular activities are there for the taking.
“I would highly recommend to take your education in your own hands,” he said. “Aim your goals as high as possible. There will always be adversity along the way, but with maximum effort and determination, you can succeed at whatever goal you set.”
Offered at more than 1,700 colleges and universities across the United States, the ROTC program prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. military. Salve Regina’s program emphasizes individual leadership ability and prepares students for future roles in the Army. Skills such as written communications, human behavior, history and mathematical reasoning are developed through a combination of Core Curriculum and military science courses.
Article written by student writer Anna K. Downes ’22