President’s Corner: A letter from Dr. Kelli J. Armstrong
Dear Salve Regina Family,
I hope this message finds you well and safe. In this virtual environment, we’ve all been learning new ways to communicate, and my hope is to be in touch with you regularly in the coming weeks to offer a few updates and insights.
As we all navigate this new way of living, and as we continue to process our losses both big and small, I find what I’m deeply missing is the kindness expressed through human touch. I was raised by a family of huggers – especially my mother, a nurse with 50 years of service in an emergency room. Her gift was to be able to look at another person and somehow know what they needed at that moment, and this often included a hug.
We all give each other strength through these gestures – a pat on the back, a handshake in greeting, a kiss on the cheek, or the warm embrace of a close friend. As we now pass one another six feet apart or sit alone at our computers, it is hard not to feel lonely and isolated without these very human anchors.
In this altered reality, though, I have been deeply encouraged by how human kindness and charity can shine through in new ways and new formats. I see the lovely faces of my colleagues on screen, and I hear your “voices” through the multiple emails and texts of support during these stressful days. It seems to me that if the underpinnings of a community were strong prior to this crisis, they remain strong and vital even in a virtual format.
In fact, I have witnessed a growth in strength of community at Salve Regina through many acts of kindness to one another during these difficult days – by bringing meals for those who cannot leave their homes, dropping off much-needed supplies to our local partners or going above and beyond to support one another as we learn to educate in a virtual environment.
You lift me up, Salve Regina family, and how truly fortunate I am to be part of this very special and loving community. We will make it through this difficult time, and we will emerge even stronger because we were strong before this crisis.
Sending you all a virtual hug.
Stay healthy and safe. God bless Salve!
All my best,
Check out stories every Tuesday that showcase the world of academics at Salve Regina and how faculty, programs, departments and students are innovating with remote living and learning during Virtual Salve. #academictuesdays #salvesgotthis