Prayer of Mercy on this National Day of Mourning and Lament
God of Eternal Life,
Our hearts and homes mourn for all who have died during this pandemic,
And all who have died or are suffering due to racism, racial inequities and injustice:
Neighbors, family, friends, strangers;
Leaders, followers, the old and the young;
Those visible and those forgotten.
You hold them all in your love and mercy.
Be with us as we lift-up their lives and their stories to you.
Help us remember that we belong to one another.
May we labor together in spirit and in action to manifest the common good.
May we choose to protect all who are most vulnerable in our communities.
May we honor the full dignity and life of every human person.
May we work for the just distribution of medical care and resources.
May we use all power and privilege to acknowledge, reconcile and transform.
We ask for healing and wholeness for all who are sick and suffering this day.
We ask for strength and courage for all who care for and accompany the sick.
We ask for justice and mercy for all who have been disregarded and discounted.
We ask for consolation and peace for all who mourn.
Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us.
Prayer by Dr. Theresa Ladrigan-Whelpley, Vice President for Mission Integration. Offered on June 1, 2020, National Day of Mourning and Lament
Featured photo by Getty Images/Ian Dyball