AMA seeking donations for pick-a-prize auction
Salve Regina’s chapter of the American Marketing Association is seeking donations for its fifth annual pick-a-prize auction, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 2 in the O’Hare Academic Center lobby.
Members of the Salve Regina community who have new, unused items collecting dust are encouraged to donate them to the auction. In the past, more creative items have included framed photographs, handmade afghans and jewelry, tickets to events, household items and toys.
Donations should be brought to Dr. Nadia Abgrab in the O’Hare Academic Center, Room 262 by Monday, Dec. 1.
Tickets for the auction items will be priced at $1 each, six for $5 or 15 for $10 for items valued at less than $50, and $5 each or three for $10 for items valued at more than $50.