Faculty, staff invited to effective communication workshop
Glenn Miller, director of employee assistance at Coastline EAP, will present an effective communication workshop at noon Wednesday, Oct. 16. Sponsored by the Office of Human Resources, the workshop will be held in the Ochre Court state dining room.
Poor communication creates problems in the workplace that can have negative effects on morale, productivity and personal interactions. How well you communicate, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, intentional or unintentional, could mean the difference between success and failure. Miller will discuss the roadblocks to communication, along with specific listening and communication techniques.
Employees on the University’s health insurance plan who attend at least two HR-sponsored wellness workshops during 2013 will be eligible to receive a $25 payroll credit, which will be distributed in February 2014. You must be actively employed and on the payroll in February 2014 to receive the credit.
To register for the workshop, contact Cindy Donnelly at (401) 341-3160 or cynthia.donnelly@salve.edu.