HR wellness lunch and learn event will offer tips on creating healthy habits

The Office of Human Resources will be offering an in person wellness lunch and learn on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at Noon in Ochre Court. This one is entitled “The Science of Creating Healthy Habits.” The event is open to all faculty and staff, and it can be registered for here.
Researchers estimate that about 40% of a person’s daily behaviors are made up of unconscious habits. Many habits are created through repetition, and once they become a habit — they do not require a lot of energy or thought to make them happen. On the other hand, willpower takes a lot of energy and can be easily depleted.
Learning objectives of this HR wellness lunch and learn will be to learn the difference between habit and willpower, learn one’s motivational style, and learn how to create healthy habits.
As a reminder, HR wellness lunch and learn events can be logged for points in the Tufts Health Portal. Each HR lunch and learn is 200 points, and employees enrolled in the University’s medical plan must earn 1,000 points by Dec. 15 to receive $10 off the medical, bi-weekly employee healthcare contribution rate during 2023.
To learn more about HR’s wellness program and how to access, log and confirm points, please visit HR’s benefits and wellness page on Campus @ Salve.
Featured photo is by Getty Images/Dzmitry Dzemidovich