Jensen, Zeolla named to ICSA academic team
Christopher Jensen ’14 and Mary Zeolla ’13 have been named to theĀ Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA) 2013 all-academic sailing team.
The all-academic sailing team recognizes collegiate sailors who have achieved excellence in national and inter-conference competition as well as excelling at the highest academic level for the 2012-2013 academic year. A nominated sailor must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, junior or senior academic standing and must be a key starter or reserve on a school’s sailing team.
A seven-person committee comprised of representatives from each conference in the ICSA evaluates the nominated sailors. The committee uses the same competition data that is used to determine the ICSA all-American team, which honors sailors for their exceptional competitive performance. The committee can select up to 10 scholar athletes who have proven to be highly competitive both academically and in national competition for both the first and second all-academic teams.
“It was a challenging task for the committee to select these teams as there are so many qualified student athletes,” said Matt Lindblad, co-head coach of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s varsity sailing team and chairman of the ICSA all-academic sailing team selection committee. “The difficulty in naming these teams demonstrates the tremendous achievements of ICSA sailors on the water and in the classroom.”