Mercy Mondays: Sigma Phi Sigma inducts newest members

This fall semester, Salve Regina’s National Mercy Honors Society, Sigma Phi Sigma, celebrated the annual induction ceremony to formally welcome the society’s newest members. A small number of family and friends attended the ceremony in person, and others tuned in via a livestream of the ceremony from the safety of their homes.
The ceremony began with an introduction from Hannah Harlow ’22 vice president of Sigma Phi Sigma, a welcome from President Kelli J. Armstrong, an invocation from Sister Therese Antone, and a challenge to the new members from Sigma Phi Sigma’s president, Samantha Levey ’22.
Then Jillian Gaffga ’23, treasurer, Shawn Quinn ’23, secretary, and Sarah Belling’23, public relations, shared a few words about the three qualities required for membership in Sigma Phi Sigma. These include scholarship, service and fidelity.
All new inductees shared the following pledge:
“As a member of the Salve Regina University Chapter of the National Mercy Honor Society, Sigma Phi Sigma, I pledge my commitment to the ideals of the organization: scholarship, service and fidelity. I pledge myself to the work of scholarship, to use my intellect to seek goodness, beauty and truth, ever mindful that my pursuit of wisdom is linked with the call of justice.
I pledge myself to courageous and patient service. I pledge to witness mercy by reverencing the dignity of each person and responding to the critical concerns of my neighbor and the world. I pledge fidelity to this University and its mission, to the building of a more harmonious, just and merciful world through the work of my life.”
Co-moderators Dr. Theresa Ladrigan-Whelpley, vice president of mission integration, and Mary Beth Pelletier ’06, (M) ’12, program manager of mission integration, welcomed the new members and shared words of inspiration from Catherine McAuley. They encouraged all to be a leader of light on campus, giving light to all around them.
After the new members and Sigma Phi Sigma’s e-board shared a prayer, Dr. Myra Edelstein, professor in the Department of Business and Economics, shared a keynote address. Dr. Edelstein’s uplifting and vibrant keynote defined what it meant to show mercy.
“Mercy is the willingness to enter into another person’s chaos and provide rescue,” Dr. Edelstein said.
Special thanks to Matthew Kelly, minister of music and social justice, and the Mercy Center for Spiritual Life for providing music for the ceremony.
Please join Salve Regina in congratulating its newest members of Sigma Phi Sigma. The Sigma Phi Sigma Inductees for 2021 are listed below:
Class of 2024
Rose V. Bottari
Isabella A. Buonaugurio
Isabella Cole
Morgan E. Dubay
Anna F. Dwyer
Karlee E. Feinen
Annalese M. Gagliardi
Amanda C. Greco
Sarah E. Holcomb
Lia-Sophie Keller
Daniel J. McCarthy
Olivia L. McHugh
Heather N. McKee
Grace A. Quasebarth
Michael V. Sateriale
Lindsey S. Smith
Abigail E. Solomon
Class of 2023
Sarah E. Engel
MacKenna M. Hadawi
Jasmine Jobe
Maxwell V. McFarland
Liadan K O’Connor
Morgan L. Shuey
Olivia R. Thomas
Class of 2022
Vivien A. Haley
Madilyn McKenna
Omar A. Godoy
E-Board Members of Sigma Phi Sigma for the 2021-2022 Academic Year are listed below:
Samantha Levey ’22, president
Hannah Harlow ’22, vice president
Jillian Gaffga ’23, Treasurer
Shawn Quinn ’23, secretary
Sarah Belling ’23, public relations
This post is part of an ongoing series called Mercy Mondays that highlights Salve Regina’s dedication to its Mercy Mission. Search the tag Mercy Mission for more updates on the Mercy branches of Salve Regina.