Salve Regina kicks off its annual United Way campaign

Members of the Salve Regina community have always been generous in contributing their time and talents to those in need. In this time of giving, Salve Regina has kicked off its annual United Way of Rhode Island E-Pledge Campaign.
Regional Catholic colleges and universities have a longstanding tradition of supporting the United Way through employee giving campaigns. As an umbrella organization, contributions to the United Way help support multiple agencies and programs in our hometown communities, such as the Boys and Girls Club of Newport County, Clean Ocean Access, the Salvation Army and Salve Regina.
To participate, click on the link here. If a participant has donated previously, they can log in with their email address and password. Use the “Forgot Password” feature as needed. If they have not donated previously, click the “Register” button and follow the instructions. Once an email address is submitted, participants will receive an email with a link from United Way to donate.
Once in the actual campaign site, choose to participate in the campaign and select pledge type. The electronic pledge process is easy and all information is secure. Remember, payroll deduction is the easiest way to give.
When pledging, simply read the screens and press “Next” to go to the subsequent screen. If there are additional messages after filling in all fields, the screen will come back with a message. Just press “Next” again to advance to the next screen.
Participants can designate one’s gift by choosing specific United Way Impact Funds and/or focus areas. When searching for an organization, click on the “+” sign to designate the amount of the gift. They can also search for organizations or use the “Write-Ins” area if they wish to designate a pledge or a portion of a pledge to a specific agency. Donations can be made to the organization of their choice, not just state or United Way funds.
Once pledge is submitted, participants will receive an email confirming gift and designations.
Should anyone have questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources at (401)341-2137.