Salve Regina named a 2021 ‘Best in the Northeast’ by The Princeton Review

Salve Regina University has been selected by The Princeton Review as one of 224 colleges it considers “Best in the Northeast.” The rankings appear on the publication’s website feature “2021 Best Colleges: Region by Region.”
The Princeton Review profiles 655 institutions it recommends as “regional bests” across four regions: the Northeast, the Southeast, the Midwest and the West. This select group represents 25 percent of the nation’s four-year colleges and universities. Rankings are based primarily on academic excellence as well as what students attending the institutions reported about their campus experiences.
Robert Franek, editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review, says the company considers data from its survey of administrators, information from staff visits to schools over the years, and the opinions of college counselors and advisors whose perspectives the company solicits. “We believe our choices offer applicants and their parents a wide range of fine schools to consider,” Franek says.
“Salve Regina offers an excellent Catholic education with a focus on global issues combined with an unbelievably beautiful setting and small campus,” the site states. “Located alongside Newport’s mansion-lined Cliff Walk, the Salve Regina campus is an unbelievably beautiful setting … 10 minutes from the beach with an ocean view from student residences (students get to live in mansions) – is optimal.”
Salve student comments included on The Princeton Review’s “Survey Says” section praised university faculty for their commitment to student success. “The wonderful faculty here offer a really meaningful and valuable experience and put their best effort to helping guide you in any and all paths you chose,” writes one student.
“Class time is usually evenly split between lectures and discussion, so that the material is more engaging for the students, and professors relate all of the academic learning to their life experiences,” writes another. “These teaching gems do not feel their job is finished when we finish their class but go above and beyond to help us throughout the rest of our time at Salve.”