Architectural historian Dietrich Neumann to present Atwood Lecture
Dr. Dietrich Neumann, professor in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at Brown University, will present the Atwood Lecture at Salve Regina Wednesday, Feb. 13. Neumann will discuss “The Structure of Light: The Illumination of Modern Architecture“ at 4:30 p.m. in the Bazarsky Lecture Hall.
Born in Germany, Neumann studied architecture at Technical University of Munich and the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.
Neumann’s research concentrates mostly on late 19th and early 20th century European and American architecture. “I am interested in the entire scope of architectural production and debate, from the minutiae of building technologies to the transatlantic discourse on skyscrapers and urbanism throughout the 20th century,” he says. “My publications on the history of film set design and architectural illumination have helped to define new approaches and fields of research.”
Neumann has curated a number of exhibitions, such as “Film Architecture” (Providence, Los Angeles, Frankfurt), “Richard Neutra’s Windshield House” (Harvard University, RISD, Washington, Pittsburgh), “Unbuilt Providence” (Brown University), “Friedrich St. Florian: Retrospective” (Brown University), “Luminous Buildings: Architecture of the Night” (Stuttgart and Rotterdam), and edited their catalogs.