Enter to win $500 prizes by submitting proof of vaccination

In light of Salve Regina’s vaccine mandate, the University has been working diligently to process data and prepare for the fall semester. The University wanted to remind the Salve Regina community that it is offering incentives for students, faculty and staff who submit proof of vaccination by Monday, July 26.
Student Incentives
Full-time undergraduate students who upload their vaccination record to the student health portal by July 26 will be entered to win one of four $500 prizes. Students must be registered for the fall 2021 semester in order to qualify. Winners may choose to have their $500 prize loaded to their Salve Card for textbooks and expenses, or they can elect to receive $500 in Visa or Amazon gift cards.
To submit your vaccination record:
- Log in to the health portal with your Salve Regina credentials.
- In the “My Forms” menu at the top of the page, select and complete the “COVID vaccination form.”
Employee Incentives
Employees who upload their vaccination record via the employee submission form by July 26 will be entered to win one of two $500 prizes. All current employees are eligible, although adjunct faculty must be teaching during the fall 2021 semester in order to qualify. Winners will receive $500 in Visa or Amazon gift cards.
The Fine Print
Vaccination record must show that one dose of Janssen or both doses of Moderna or Pfizer were administered in order to enter and win. A WHO-approved vaccine is acceptable for international students. Winners will be selected at random by Friday, August 13 and notified via their salve.edu email address.