International Programs offering stipend for faculty development seminars
The Office of International Programs has announced an annual competition for a $2,000 stipend for faculty to participate in international faculty development seminars offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).
The stipend is offered as a benefit of Salve Regina’s institutional membership with CIEE, a world leader in international exchange.
Since 1990, CIEE has organized hundreds of faculty seminars in more than 40 countries, helping faculty and administrators from institutions of higher education gain insight into alternate worldviews, hear diverse voices from an international community and access innovative approaches to learning and problem solving.
Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page statement detailing how their selected program will benefit their research, teaching and/or other University work. Statements should be emailed to or dropped off in the Office of International Programs by Wednesday, Feb. 1. The director of international programs, provost and dean of academics will jointly select the recipient, and notification will be sent in mid-February.
The recipient may use funds remaining in their annual professional development fund to offset additional costs, such as remaining program costs and flight. Stipend recipients can also apply directly to CIEE for fellowships.
Salve Regina alumna Gina Campbell is serving as program coordinator for CIEE and is happy to answer any related questions. She can be reached at