Seniors present strategic business planning capstone projects, pitch to Newport Innovate

Seniors in the MGT-490 Strategic Business Planning Capstone course will be presenting their business ideas on Thursday, April 21, and Friday, April 22, in the O’Hare Academic Building, Room 127. The Salve Regina community is invited to come watch.
Once all the teams have presented, the instructors will choose the top three presentations on Friday afternoon. There are cash awards, and the top three will be presenting their presentations in a Shark Tank-style pitch event at Innovate Newport on Saturday, April 23, from 4-6 p.m. To participate in the Innovate Newport event, register here.
Participants in MGT-490 are required to identify a potential business opportunity; develop mission and vision statements; conduct strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analyses; and accomplish market research. They must also develop a supporting strategic plan, marketing plan, human resource staffing plan and plan of operations.
During the course, students also interact with local community members to identify potential locations for the business and to determine applicable regulations and sources of funding. Students are required to make a formal presentation of their proposed business plan to a panel of evaluators comprised of business professionals.
This is a capstone course for seniors majoring in accounting, business administration, financial management, global business and economics, health care administration and marketing. Business faculty works with students throughout the course to provide structure and guidance.
Thursday, April 21
10 a.m. – “Active Monitors” presented by Brett Benoit, John Canal, Matthew Doscher, Matthew Fabrizio, Daniel Sanville and Ryan Tuohy
11 a.m. – “Eco Custom Containers” presented by Tyler Carangelo, Ryan Chambers, Matthew Dillon and Cameron Erasmi
1 p.m. – “Book Me” presented by Jack Betts, Noah Carreiro, Thomas Casper, Patrick Hegarty and Richard Ventura
2 p.m. – “Ride the Waves” presented by Patrick Jones, Elian Telford and Franz Von Stetina
3 p.m. – “Elefort” presented by Elise Bautista, Emma Brown, Ethan Davis, Omar Godoy, Sarah Long and Julia Simonelli
Friday, April 22
10 a.m. – “Sprots bar with mini golf” presented by Jason Dwight, Justin Keleher, Jack Maguire, Joseph Mauriello, Joseph Vecchione and Samuel Ventola
11 a.m. – “No Nuts About It” presented by Kostandino Agganis, Keith Galfo, Dakota McMahon and Patricia Sandin
1 p.m. – “Beach Convenience truck” presented by Emma Benevento, Molly Hanrahan, Philip Iten, Madison Machado and Chelsey Reynolds
2 p.m. – “Bar Wallet” presented by Jacob Miller, Alexander Morse, Michael Parks, Dominic Patania, Sean Reardon and Jessica Thrower
Saturday, April 23
Top three presentations will do a Shark Tank-style pitch event at Innovate Newport from 4-6 p.m. To participate in the Innovate Newport event, register here.